Rice Play

Rice play is a nice simple activity that allows children to develop all their senses. Rice can be used in a variety of playful and imaginative ways to create a fun and interesting activity.

Children learn best through ‘hands-on’ experiences. Rice play is an easy activity to set up that gets children using all their senses. 

Playing with rice is excellent for helping to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Scoopingpouringpicking up the grains of rice and passing it from hand to hand are all great ways for children to playfully develop these skills. Rice play can help develop and improve language and communication skills and is perfect for introducing new words and expanding children’s vocabulary. 

By giving children this opportunity to explore, it allows them to discover new and exciting things.

Rice play is a simple and fun activity for all the family.

Fill a shallow tray/container with cooked or dried rice, start to add some items to the rice to help increase the sensory benefits.

You can hide objects in the rice or add items such as spoons, scoops, bowls & cups. 
You could also add elements of pretend play, by including toy people and animals, E.g. – dinosaurs, farm animals.

During this activity there will be lots of opportunity to introduce new words and enhance children’s vocabulary. Talk to your child slowly and clearly, using simple words.  

Describe what you and your child are doing as you play with the rice - 'pouring''scooping''finding'
Keep your comments short and then give your child time to respond. 
Repeat words spoken and extend their vocabulary by adding other words.

Please remember that these items are not toys and your child should never be left unsupervised. This activity is for you and your child to enjoy together.